After 20 days of liver transplantation at Apollo Hospital in India, Andi Arief was able to walk again

ALHAMDULILLAH..! After 20 days of liver transplantation at Apollo Hospital in India, Andi Arief was able to walk again

NEW DELHI- Andi Arief (54 years), a liver transplant patient (liver) can walk after a liver transplant operation from a donor, his son Fazle Merah (19 years). The liver transplant was carried out by a team of 50 doctors led by Dr. Neerav Goyal liver transplant expert at Apollo Hospital New Delhi, India. “Andi Arief’s health has experienced great progress. But during the recovery period he still has to be disciplined in maintaining food, especially salt, sugar and fat. “All medicines must be consumed to speed up the healing process in the liver,” said Neerav Goyal when examining Andi Arief.

He also reminded patients not to do strenuous activities yet because the liver healing process is ongoing.  “Liver function is not yet optimal, so stay on complete rest. “So that the heart doesn’t work too hard until it completely recovers,” he said.PLN Commissioner Andi Arief is still under close supervision by a team of liver transplant doctors at Apollo Hospital in India during his recovery period. “I can definitely do it,” he said enthusiastically, to in New Delhi.  Start Walking Practice ,Previously, Andi Arief and his son Fazle Merah as donors underwent transplant surgery on Monday (21/10) morning at Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, India. The operation lasted 18 hours and finished the next day Tuesday (22/10) at 02.00 am Indian time and at 04.00 he was admitted to the ICU with Fazle Merah. Andi Arief was released from the ICU and returned to the treatment room on October 29, after being preceded by Fazle Merah on October 24. After 9 days after the liver transplant on October 22 2024, Andi Arief, Commissioner of PLN, was able to get out of bed and start practicing walking.

“The development is good and this must be maintained as much as possible because in the next 9 days it could get worse (liver failure) if it is not helped by medicine and food. It will also be difficult to control the volume and character/quality of water and blood if blood and water bags (catheters) are not available. “The volume and quality of water and blood are also benchmarks for determining whether there is good progress or not,” said Dr. Ong from the team of doctors, Friday, November 1 2024.

“It is normal for blood sugar to be high at this time because the liver function is not yet optimal in producing insulin. That is why after eating, blood sugar will rise, therefore it must be helped by administering insulin. But that doesn’t mean you have to eat less to lower blood sugar. Eating should still be practiced normally—with hospital food—in order to increase energy to help recover and repair the transplant. And the increase in blood sugar due to eating will be overcome by administering insulin. “His insulin production is starting to improve,” explained the team of doctors.

Previously, the team of doctors explained that the operation would take quite a long time to ensure the success of the transplant because Fazle’s liver as the donor was larger than Andi Arief’s liver.

“However, it turns out that recipients and donors regained consciousness and recovered more quickly than expected. Usually 2 weeks in the ICU. “It turns out that in just one week, Mr. Andi was able to leave the ICU,” said Dr. Neerav, who led the operation.

Previously, Andi Arief underwent intensive examination and treatment at the National University Hospital (NUH) Singapore. It is planned that Andi Arief will undergo liver transplant surgery at NUH on November 21 2024.

However, at the beginning of October Andi Arief’s condition worsened and he was hospitalized at MMC Hospital in Jakarta. Meanwhile, Singapore’s NUH Hospital could only advance the transplant schedule to October 21 2024. Therefore, the companion and family decided to take Andi Arief from MMC Hospital straight to Apollo Hospital, India on Thursday, October 10 2024.

The Fate of Cirrhosis Patients in Indonesia The People’s Health Council (DKR), which accompanied Andi Arief, stated that the success of Andi Arief’s liver transplant operation was thanks to the hard work of the team of doctors at Apollo Hospital, New Delhi.

DKR did not find specific data on the number of people with cirrhosis in Indonesia either from Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) or from BPS (Central Statistics Agency). The only data found is Riskesdas, 2013. The prevalence of the Hepatitis B Virus in Indonesia is around 7.1% (around 18 million) and the Hepatitis C Virus is around 1.01% (around 2.5 million). Many of them found out they were infected after they were in an advanced/chronic stage and even had cirrhosis and liver cancer. Therefore, regular health checks are important so that treatment is not too late. “We hope that this kind of operation can exist in Indonesia. How many cirrhosis sufferers in Indonesia are left untreated because of the inadequacy of the health system in Indonesia. What happened to them?” said Danial Indrakusuma who accompanied Andi Arief.


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Posted in Liver Transplantation Surgery.

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