After 20 days of liver transplantation at Apollo Hospital in India, Andi Arief was able to walk again

ALHAMDULILLAH..! After 20 days of liver transplantation at Apollo Hospital in India, Andi Arief was able to walk again

NEW DELHI- Andi Arief (54 years), a liver transplant patient (liver) can walk after a liver transplant operation from a donor, his son Fazle Merah (19 years). The liver transplant was carried out by a team of 50 doctors led by Dr. Neerav Goyal liver transplant expert at Apollo Hospital New Delhi, India. “Andi Arief’s health has experienced great progress. But during the recovery period he still has to be disciplined in maintaining food, especially salt, sugar and fat. “All medicines must be consumed to speed up the healing process in the liver,” said Neerav Goyal when examining Andi Arief.

He also reminded patients not to do strenuous activities yet because the liver healing process is ongoing.  “Liver function is not yet optimal, so stay on complete rest. “So that the heart doesn’t work too hard until it completely recovers,” he said.PLN Commissioner Andi Arief is still under close supervision by a team of liver transplant doctors at Apollo Hospital in India during his recovery period. “I can definitely do it,” he said enthusiastically, to in New Delhi.  Start Walking Practice ,Previously, Andi Arief and his son Fazle Merah as donors underwent transplant surgery on Monday (21/10) morning at Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, India. The operation lasted 18 hours and finished the next day Tuesday (22/10) at 02.00 am Indian time and at 04.00 he was admitted to the ICU with Fazle Merah. Andi Arief was released from the ICU and returned to the treatment room on October 29, after being preceded by Fazle Merah on October 24. After 9 days after the liver transplant on October 22 2024, Andi Arief, Commissioner of PLN, was able to get out of bed and start practicing walking.

“The development is good and this must be maintained as much as possible because in the next 9 days it could get worse (liver failure) if it is not helped by medicine and food. It will also be difficult to control the volume and character/quality of water and blood if blood and water bags (catheters) are not available. “The volume and quality of water and blood are also benchmarks for determining whether there is good progress or not,” said Dr. Ong from the team of doctors, Friday, November 1 2024.

“It is normal for blood sugar to be high at this time because the liver function is not yet optimal in producing insulin. That is why after eating, blood sugar will rise, therefore it must be helped by administering insulin. But that doesn’t mean you have to eat less to lower blood sugar. Eating should still be practiced normally—with hospital food—in order to increase energy to help recover and repair the transplant. And the increase in blood sugar due to eating will be overcome by administering insulin. “His insulin production is starting to improve,” explained the team of doctors.

Previously, the team of doctors explained that the operation would take quite a long time to ensure the success of the transplant because Fazle’s liver as the donor was larger than Andi Arief’s liver.

“However, it turns out that recipients and donors regained consciousness and recovered more quickly than expected. Usually 2 weeks in the ICU. “It turns out that in just one week, Mr. Andi was able to leave the ICU,” said Dr. Neerav, who led the operation.

Previously, Andi Arief underwent intensive examination and treatment at the National University Hospital (NUH) Singapore. It is planned that Andi Arief will undergo liver transplant surgery at NUH on November 21 2024.

However, at the beginning of October Andi Arief’s condition worsened and he was hospitalized at MMC Hospital in Jakarta. Meanwhile, Singapore’s NUH Hospital could only advance the transplant schedule to October 21 2024. Therefore, the companion and family decided to take Andi Arief from MMC Hospital straight to Apollo Hospital, India on Thursday, October 10 2024.

The Fate of Cirrhosis Patients in Indonesia The People’s Health Council (DKR), which accompanied Andi Arief, stated that the success of Andi Arief’s liver transplant operation was thanks to the hard work of the team of doctors at Apollo Hospital, New Delhi.

DKR did not find specific data on the number of people with cirrhosis in Indonesia either from Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) or from BPS (Central Statistics Agency). The only data found is Riskesdas, 2013. The prevalence of the Hepatitis B Virus in Indonesia is around 7.1% (around 18 million) and the Hepatitis C Virus is around 1.01% (around 2.5 million). Many of them found out they were infected after they were in an advanced/chronic stage and even had cirrhosis and liver cancer. Therefore, regular health checks are important so that treatment is not too late. “We hope that this kind of operation can exist in Indonesia. How many cirrhosis sufferers in Indonesia are left untreated because of the inadequacy of the health system in Indonesia. What happened to them?” said Danial Indrakusuma who accompanied Andi Arief.


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What is Steatotic (Fatty) Liver Disease?

What is Steatotic (Fatty) Liver Disease?
Steatotic liver diseases, also known as fat liver disease, is when fat accumulates in cells of the liver. If untreated the condition could cause inflammation scarring, inflammation, and severe liver damage. In time the liver may struggle to fulfill its usual functions which can lead to health problems.

Types of Fatty Liver Disease
There are two kinds of liver disease characterized by fatty tissue:

Non-Alcoholic Fat Liver Disease (NAFLD): This kind of illness isn’t caused due to alcohol, but instead is due to factors in the lifestyle, such as the diet, and even weight.
Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (AFLD): This type is caused by excessive consumption of alcohol that can damage liver cells and lead to the accumulation of fat.
Understanding the kind of problem you’re dealing with is essential to determine the appropriate way to treat it.

Causes of Fatty Liver Disease
The exact reason for the issue can be different however, common causes include:

Weight gain and a high body fat Diet that is poor that is high in healthy fats and sugars
Lifestyle that is sedentary with minimal exercise Typ 2 Diabetes along with insulin resistance
Drinking excessively (for AFLD) Knowing these things will help people take preventive measures to protect their liver.

Recognizing the Symptoms
The condition is usually unnoticeable in its initial stages. But, as the condition gets worse, certain signs may be noticed:

Energy and Fatigue Low energy and fatigue Ailment in the middle right upper abdomen
Larger liver
Jaundice (yellowing of the eyes or skin in extreme instances)
The signs aren’t always apparent so regular screenings are vital for those who are at the risk of.

Diagnosing Fatty Liver Disease
Doctors usually diagnose fatty liver disease using:

Tests for blood to detect elevated liver enzymes imaging tests such as ultrasonography or MRI to find fat in the liver A biopsy of the liver (in certain instances) to evaluate scarring and inflammation These diagnostic tools help assess the seriousness of illness and aid in the development of treatment plans.

Treatment Options
The treatment is different based on the stage and type of the condition:

Lifestyle modifications are typically the initial step.
The use of medicines can be prescribed to treat health problems, such as high cholesterol or diabetes. A liver transplant is an option when liver damage is serious and there is no other treatment that is efficient. For patients with an advanced liver condition, consulting an specialist in liver transplantation is essential for individualized treatment.

Lifestyle Changes for Liver Health
Lifestyle modifications can greatly impact the health of the liver. Important changes include:

Improve your diet: Focus on whole grains, lean protein and fresh veggies.
Workout: Aim for at minimum 30 minutes of physical activity each day.
Limiting alcohol intake: Limiting the intake of alcohol is crucial for AFLD.
A healthy lifestyle can help prevent further damage to the liver, and possibly reverse the early stage of fat-liver disease.

When to Consult a Specialist
If you are experiencing symptoms that persist or worsen despite lifestyle adjustments It could be the right an appropriate time to speak with an expert in liver disease. They can provide an extensive analysis and offer more advanced treatment options. A specialist in liver transplants might be suggested if the liver is failing and this is a cause for concern.

Liver Transplant: When and Why
For certain people who are suffering from liver disease, a transplant could seem like the sole option when an illness of the liver that is fatty has resulted in serious liver failure. In these cases it is possible to help save lives, and provide an opportunity to regain health.

Preventive Measures
The prevention of fatty liver disease is typically achievable through easy but effective steps:

Maintain an appropriate weight
Consume a balanced and healthy, balanced diet high in nutrients
Exercise regularly
Limit alcohol consumption
Regular medical checks to determine liver function if at risk
These practices support liver health and decrease the risk of liver fat accumulation cells.

Myths and Facts about Fatty Liver Disease
There are many myths about fat liver disease including:

Mythology: Only alcoholics get liver disease.
Truth: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is very common and even affects non-drinkers.
Eliminating these myths helps people recognize the risks and encourages proactive health care.

Living with Fatty Liver Disease
Living with a liver condition that is fatty may be difficult however, with lifestyle changes and regular medical treatment most people are able to have been able to successfully manage it. An empowering network and support from a liver specialist could help significantly in your quality of life.

The term “fatty liver” can sound scary, but with appropriate information and assistance it’s treatable. Early detection and proactive modifications can help prevent problems, and experts, such as an liver specialist doctor for transplants provide vital care in the event of need. If you think you’re in danger take the time to talk with your physician and pay attention to the health of your liver.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Can the fatty liver disease be reversed?
Yes early-stage fatty liver disease is often reversed by lifestyle changes such as an improved diet and exercise routine.

2. When should I consult a specialist in liver transplants?
If your liver condition progresses to a more advanced stage or you are experiencing signs of liver disease It’s the time to talk with an expert in liver transplants.

3. Does fatty liver disease have to be caused by alcohol?
There’s a non-alcoholic version (NAFLD) which isn’t triggered by alcohol, but more by other factors such as diabetes and obesity.

4. What is the ideal diet for those suffering from fatty liver disease?
A balanced diet that is rich of whole grain, veggies as well as lean proteins and low in fats and sugars helps to maintain the health of your liver.

5. Can children get fatty liver disease?
Yes, children, specifically those who are overweight or have poor nutrition, may develop the disease of the liver, which highlights that it’s important to develop healthy lifestyles starting at an early age.

Holistic Approaches for a Healthy Liver

As the liver performs more than 500 essential functions, it is an organ that is essential to your overall health. These include the creation of vital proteins, processing blood, eliminating waste with bile, and filtering pollutants. You must take great care of it because it is your body’s natural detoxification system. You will learn some holistic approaches to a healthy liver:
It’s Best To Sweat
Your body must sweat. It will only do you a little good if you sweat while walking or because of the weather. Exercise causes your body to sweat, which has cleansing properties. If you haven’t been exercising, take up a regular exercise routine to help the toxins leave your body.
Exercises like yoga, running, working out at the gym, or even using a sauna can be beneficial. If you’re searching for easy ways to cleanse your liver, sweat is the best course of action. In case of serious liver failure issues, it is time to visit a liver transplant hospital.
Bid Farewell To Toxic Foods
Fast food is now considered to be the norm. Unknowingly, you eat many processed foods that are bad for the health of your liver.
Convenience meals, refined oils, and sugar deplete the body of vital nutrients and introduce additional poisons. Thus, if you’re wondering how to cleanse your liver, giving up processed food is a crucial dietary adjustment you should undertake. Swap these out for healthy, liver-
friendly options.
You Must Eat Foods Rich in Potassium
The human body requires the recommended daily allowance of 4,700 mg of potassium. Foods rich in potassium maintain a healthy cardiovascular system, assist in flushing the liver, and decrease cholesterol and systolic blood pressure. Foods high in potassium include bananas, beans, beet greens, spinach, sweet potatoes, and tomato sauces. Once you begin eating these foods regularly, you won’t need to worry about liver detoxification. These foods are very beneficial.
Wrapping it up:
The above approaches should be noted down to keep your liver healthy. You have to find the
best liver transplant hospital in India if you feel your liver’s health is out of time.

Cadaveric Liver Transplant: What you need to know

Cadaveric Liver Transplant: What you need to know
Liver transplants are frequently performed using cadavers, or deceased donors, as a source of organs. The deceased donors gave their prior permission to donate their organs. A donor’s liver is removed and maintained for transplantation, which needs to happen within 24 hours of the donor being deemed legally dead (brain dead). The cadaveric donor programme aims to achieve maximum organ by harvesting from potential donors, including the liver, and provide easy access to transplant services.

What is Cadaveric Liver Transplant?
The procedure known as “cadaver donor liver transplantation” or “deceased donor liver transplantation”  involves removing the liver from a brain-dead patient. A patient who is nearing the end of their liver failure receives a deceased donor liver transplant. Among the two liver transplantation techniques, cadaveric liver transplantation is one in which the deceased donor may have suffered a brain injury or been involved in an accident. What happens in a cadaveric liver transplant procedure?
A cerebral hemorrhage, head injury, or accident could possibly have affected the donor in a cadaveric liver transplant. Following the doctor’s official declaration of brain death, the organ is removed for donation with the family’s permission. A dead donor’s identity and the circumstances of their passing are kept private. The recipient’s waiting list position can always be discussed with the transplant coordinator and liver transplant surgeon.
A liver transplant from a deceased donor often requires four to fourteen hours of operation. The liver that was donated is transplanted after the injured liver is removed. 

Post-operative care for cadaveric liver transplant procedure
After surgery, recipients will be closely watched in the intensive care unit (ICU) to ensure that their bodies are not rejecting their organs. Depending on the patient’s condition, they may be sent to the general ward. Testing for liver rejection helps to determine the probability of rejection. Immunosuppressants are given to patients to avoid rejection. There is also nutritional guidance and physiotherapy provided. Individuals who undergo cadaveric liver transplant surgery usually recover successfully. Approximately 90% of patients receive a liver transplant and survive for a minimum of a year, and many go on to live considerably longer. The total success rate is between 85 and 90%. 

Final thoughts
The liver is an important organ in a body and is referred as human body’s powerhouse. It is the largest internal organ in the body which is situated beneath the diaphragm and above the stomach. Individuals who are suffering from end-stage liver illnesses or acute liver failure can benefit from cadaveric donor programme for liver transplants because these conditions may not be treated with therapy.

Best Liver Transplant Hospital in Delhi at Affordable Cost

In cases of severe liver illness, liver transplantation is a vital medical treatment that can save a patient’s life. The need for liver transplants is growing in India, especially in Delhi. At Liver Transplant International, one of the Best Liver Transplant Hospitals in Delhi, you can get  treatment at an affordable cost.
Why Liver Transplant?
When a person experiences either acute (sudden) or chronic liver failure, a liver transplant can save lives. Acute Liver Failure (ALF) occurs unexpectedly, and there could be several causes for it. Hepatitis A and E acute viral infections are the most common cause in India. End-stage liver disease, another name for chronic liver failure, develops more slowly over several months, years, or even decades. The most common cause of chronic liver failure is cirrhosis, a disease in which the liver’s cells gradually die and are replaced with scar tissue throughout.

Advantages of Getting Treatment at Liver Transplant International
Here are some of the advantages you can get at Liver Transplant International, one of the Best
Liver Transplant Hospital in Delhi:

● Affordable Cost: One of the main considerations impacting the decision-making process of liver transplants is cost. Liver Transplant International is a more affordable option for people seeking high-quality healthcare.● Skilled Professionals: Liver Transplant International has one of the best and most accomplished medical experts, Dr. Neerav Goal, his expertise in liver transplant is well-known in India.

● Shorter Wait Times: Patients’ wait times for transplants are considerably shorter in Liver Transplant International.

● Modern Infrastructure: We have state-of-the-art equipment and modern amenities, ensuring a superior standard of treatment.

Why choose us?
Liver Transplant International is among the Best Liver Transplant Hospital in Delhi. We take a holistic approach with our multidisciplinary team to treat a wide range of liver conditions. A specialized facility in Liver Transplant International offers complete care and treatments related to liver transplants. At the helm of our liver transplant program is a team of highly skilled and experienced doctors who have overseen and nurtured the program’s growth from its inception.

3 Most common liver conditions in children

Liver which is one of the most important human body part, does more than 500 functions in the body. It generates the waste-carrying bile, breaks down fats in the small intestine, filters the blood to remove toxins, and transforms extra glucose into glycogen for storage. It also improves
the immune system by fending off infections. There are several liver conditions that affect children, and here, the three most common liver conditions in children are discussed:

What is the liver’s function?
As the second largest organ in the body, the liver, which is located in the abdominal cavity, does multiple functions:
● Generates bile, a chemical that helps in food digestion
● Stores excess nutrients
● Helps clear the bloodstream of impurities
● Regulate the levels of cholesterol and blood sugar
● Makes proteins that allow blood to clot normally, transport oxygen, and support the immune system.

What is a liver disease?
Anything that affects or reduces the liver’s ability to function is referred to as liver disease. It can occur as a result of an illness, bad habits or behaviors, or exposure to specific chemicals. It can also be acquired through family traits. If the liver is damaged beyond curing through treatment,
then getting the Best Liver Transplant would be the wise option. Different pediatric liver conditions
Here are three important pediatric liver conditions:
1. Portal hypertension: The spleen and intestine supply blood to the liver through the portal vein. Portal hypertension is the medical term for conditions that involve high blood pressure in these blood arteries or liver-related blood flow resistance. New blood vessels, known as collaterals, grow as a result of this pressure. The collaterals join the intestine’s blood flow to the main circulation, bypassing the liver in the process. So, impurities that were meant to be filtered by the liver find their way into the bloodstream.

2. Autoimmune hepatitis: A child’s own body causes autoimmune hepatitis. An autoimmune disorder is an attack on the body by the immune system, which fights disease. Here, there is an attack on the liver cells. Over time, this affects the liver by causing inflammation. 

● Type 1: While it can start at any age, adolescence is the most common time for it to start (9 to 18 years old). Women and those with other autoimmune diseases like lupus, Crohn’s disease, or celiac disease are more likely to experience it.

● Type 2: In. It is more common in younger kids, particularly those with autoimmune disorders already.

3. Jaundice: Jaundice is caused by a rise in bilirubin in the body because of bile duct obstruction, liver cell abnormalities, or inflammation. It can occur as a result of the excessive destruction of a high concentration of red blood cells, which is common in neonates. The first and sometimes the only symptom of liver disease is jaundice.

Final thoughts Go to a reputable hospital as soon as possible if your child shows any of the symptoms or indicators of liver disease. Professionals there will correctly diagnose your child’s illness and start the best course of care. If there is a need for a liver transplant, then look for the Best Liver Transplant for a speedy recovery and rehabilitation.

Major Indications, When You Need A Liver Transplant!

Liver transplantation is necessary when the liver stops to function in the proper way. This could occur commonly because of acute failure from infections or complications arising from certain medications. Surgery of Liver transplant requires replacing a not functional liver with a healthy liver; where the healthy liver can be taken from either a deceased donor or donated by a living person.
What does a healthy liver performs?
The liver, body & largest internal organ, serves several vital functions, including:
 Processing nutrients, medications, and hormones
 Generating proteins necessary for blood clotting
 Producing bile, crucial for absorbing fats, cholesterol, and fat-soluble vitamins
 Regulating immune responses to prevent infection
In an ideal scenario, liver transplants are suggested for individuals facing serious complications due to advanced stages of chronic liver disease. In many other instances of abrupt failure in an otherwise healthy liver, transplant might also be an option.

More to consider before a Liver transplant:
The reason this procedure works is that the human liver has an incredible capacity to regenerate and quickly restore itself to its normal size following the surgical removal of a portion. As per a U.S., data in the year 2018, almost 8,200 liver transplants were conducted involving both adults and children. Among these, around 390 transplants utilized livers from living donors. Simultaneously, about 12,800 individuals were on the waiting list, anticipating a liver transplant.

Specific indications encompass various conditions such as:
Extrahepatic biliary atresia or hypoplasia Acute hepatic fulminant failure Additionally, other conditions such as Sclerosing cholangitis, Hepatic vein thrombosis (Budd- Chiari), Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) at Stage I or  II, or a single lesion, and various forms of cirrhosis including primary or secondary biliary cirrhosis, alcohol-related cirrhosis, chronic active hepatitis (A, B, C, non A, non B, autoimmune), cryptogenic cirrhosis, NASH-related cirrhosis, congenital biliary cirrhosis, viral cirrhosis, among others, are encompassed within this spectrum of liver-related disorders.

How does the transplant center performs?
Transplant centers house specialized Liver Transplant Programs designed to evaluate and treat these conditions. These programs offer comprehensive overviews, specific indications for transplantation, different types of transplants available, dedicated transplant teams, the transplantation process, discharge procedures, recovery plans, and specialized pediatric liver transplant programs. Additionally, some centers provide options for Living Donor Liver Transplant procedures.

Some more to understand:  Liver transplant becomes necessary when the liver sustains significant damage, impairing its proper function. Key indications for a liver transplant comprise:
• Liver Failure: End-stage liver disease or failure resulting from chronic conditions such as cirrhosis, hepatitis, or genetic disorders.
• Chronic Liver Disease: Conditions like hepatitis B or C, autoimmune hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, primary biliary cirrhosis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease can lead to severe liver damage.
• Liver Cancer: Specific types of liver cancer confined to the liver may necessitate a transplant.
• Acute Liver Failure: Sudden and severe liver damage, often triggered by drug overdose, hepatitis, or other acute conditions, may urgently require transplantation.
• Genetic Disorders: Inherited liver conditions like hemochromatosis, Wilson & disease, or alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency can cause liver damage, potentially requiring a transplant.
• Recurrent Liver Failure: In instances where a previously transplanted liver is failing or being rejected, another transplant might become necessary.

Final Words-
Need a liver transplant – considering factors discussed here in the blog. First most important is the patient & general health, and then next is the extent of liver disease. Next is availability of the donor. Evaluation at a transplant center involves thorough testing and assessment to determine if
transplantation is the most suitable path forward. Do get consultation at a proper time to deal with it.

What diet one should follow after a liver transplant?

Nutrition for the patient after Liver Transplant surgery

Managing your diet and nutrition post-liver transplant is very important aspect. The diet maintenance is helpful in preventing excessive weight gain, and avoiding further any complications. It is also very important to ward off high blood pressure, infections, and other potential issues. The advice from the nutrition specialist or the treatment team will strictly be considered and followed that are tailored to your individual needs and lifestyle. Patients who’ve undergone liver transplants significantly enhance their long-term treatment success by diligently adhering to the rehabilitation program, with diet playing a pivotal role. This isn’t complex knowledge—maintaining a well-balanced diet is essential for anyone seeking a healthy life, let alone patients post-transplantation.

Role of the treatment team after liver transplant: Your treatment team is there to provide comprehensive care, integrating nutritional planning into the recovery process for transplant patients. Nutritionists play a crucial role in designing tailored dietary plans. We have discovered that the crux of post-liver transplantation well-being lies in adopting a nourishing diet. Here’s the key to achieving it:

Calcium: Enhancing bone strength becomes vital due to the risk of fractures and osteoporosis resulting  from prednisone intake, a medication common among liver transplantation patients. Whey protein and certain leafy vegetables serve as rich sources of calcium. Additionally, nuts like almonds and seeds store substantial amounts of this essential mineral.

Fiber: The advantages of fiber are manifold, notably in maintaining a healthy weight. Fresh fruits and vegetables boast abundant fiber content, especially when consumed whole for optimal nourishment. Whole-grain wheat products, such as pasta and cereals, stand out as high-fiber foods offering significant health benefits.

Fats: Elevated levels of bad cholesterol pose added health risks and can hinder recovery. Conversely, integrating healthy fats into your diet contributes to overall health benefits. Opt for cold-water fish like tuna, abundant in omega-3 fatty acids, a remarkable element for promoting well-being. Vegetable oils and nuts serve as excellent sources of healthy fats too.

Vitamin D: Counteracting bone loss induced by prednisone intake involves incorporating Vitamin D into your diet. Dairy products, fresh orange juice, and fatty fish serve as excellent sources of this essential vitamin.

Protein: A crucial aspect of the rehabilitation program following a liver transplant, recommended by  seasoned professionals in advanced medical centers like Delhi or Mumbai, involves allocating one-fourth of your diet to protein for at least two months post-transplant. Ensuring long-term
health benefits necessitates integrating protein into both your meals and beverages. People who prefer non-vegetarian food may choose for chicken, fish, eggs and lean meats, satisfying their dietary needs. Even people who eat vegetarian food also can opt from lentils, legumes, and dairy products, and also for vegan diet people, soy milk acts as a rich protein source. Additionally, nuts, seeds, and incorporating low-fat dairy products can assist in managing weight gain.

Guidance from your dietitian may encompass:
● Try having at least fruits and vegetables every day in five servings.
● Make an inclusion of poultry, lean meats, and fish in your diet.
● Ensuring an adequate daily intake of dietary fiber.
● Incorporating whole-grain breads, cereals, and other grains into your meals.
● Adhering to a low-sodium and low-fat diet.
● Choosing low-fat milk or other dairy products to support calcium levels.
● Following recommended food safety guidelines.
● Staying well-hydrated by consuming sufficient water and other fluids daily.
● Abstaining from alcohol consumption.
● Avoiding grapefruit and grapefruit juice due to their impact on a category of immunosuppressive medications known as calcineurin inhibitors.

Incorporating these elements into your daily dietary intake proves beneficial. Managing sugar
levels aids in regulating blood sugar. Adhering to dietary guidelines that exclude potassium (if
advised by your doctor) is crucial to avoid associated side effects and complications.

Avail the Best Treatment of Liver Transplant in New Delhi


Liver Transplant is a very crucial process and the success of any liver transplant mainly dependable on the experience and expertise of the team taking care of the transplant, including the surgeons, anesthesiologists, hepatologists, and nurses. Research the qualifications and experience of the medical professionals involved in the transplant program.

Know your surgeon:
Neerav Goyal – Head – DNB (Surgery) DNB (G.I. Surgery), MNAMS
He is holding specialization in Liver Transplants and Gastrointestinal Surgery and he is an experienced surgeon with various awards in liver transplant surgery. He has only one aim that he always delivers the best outcome to the patients with best consultancy options. He carries an experience of performing more than 2500+ liver transplants successfully.

What is the importance of liver?
The liver has captured its position under the body’s most vital organs, essential for sustaining life. Its multifaceted role encompasses crucial functions such as metabolizing substances, eliminating waste products, and synthesizing enzymes and proteins.

Who shall be considered themselves for liver transplant?
Only individuals whose liver disease has gotten so bad that their overall health is in danger should be considered for a liver transplant. These individuals typically have either developed liver cancer along with other conditions or have exhausted all available therapeutic options. The waiting period for cadaveric transplants can vary greatly, and some patients may pass away in the meantime before receiving a donor’s liver. Moreover, because living donor liver transplantation is a planned procedure, it can be performed only when a person truly requires it and when everyone on the team is accessible.

What we manage?
At our centre, we provide comprehensive treatment, care, and amenities for the liver and biliary system.

Liver failure: When the liver begins to fail, either from acute liver failure or cirrhosis, the illness is known as liver failure. Liver function is a rare condition that has to be treated right away.

Hepatitis: Hepatitis is an infection that results in liver inflammation. It may manifest in several forms, such as
autoimmune illness, alcohol- or non-alcoholic-induced fatty liver, hepatitis b, or hepatitis c.

Hepatocellular: Individuals with chronic liver disorders, including acute liver failure, are frequently detected with hepatocellular carcinoma.

Liver metastases: One type of secondary liver cancer is hepatic metastasis, which begins in another area of the body and
gradually moves into the liver. The malignant cells that begin to grow in the individual’s breast, liver, and any other region of their body are transported there and eventually settle to create another tumor.

Bile duct cancer: A condition termed cholangiocarcinoma, or bile duct cancer, arises in the bile ducts, which are tubes
that join the liver and gall bladder. The digesting liquid bile, a waste byproduct of the liver, is transported by the bile ducts. For the best liver transplant and to avail the best treatment of liver transplant in New Delhi, we are known as the greatest liver transplant doctor. We work with a group of other medical professionals at the liver transplant clinic in New Delhi to offer patients cutting-edge medical care.

How to take care of your Liver after Transplantation?

The liver transplant has emerged as a cutting-edge therapy for those with severe liver failure or end-stage liver disease. While replacing a diseased liver with a healthy liver is a successful method to cure liver disease, proper post-operative care is just as crucial to avoid graft rejection, infection after the transplant, and disease progression.

The following measures should be adopted as soon as you are released from the hospital following an effective liver transplant if you want a positive long-term outcome.

Ways to take care of oneself following a liver transplant

You must maintain the best level of fitness and health possible to ensure that the transplant will function for as long as possible. You must also receive ongoing treatment for your transplanted liver.

Skip the alcohol

If you had a liver transplant because of an illness caused by alcohol, you shouldn’t drink alcohol again because doing so could damage your new liver. This holds regardless of whether alcohol was not the primary cause of your liver disease but was deemed to have had a role in it. The rate of liver damage from alcohol after liver transplant is much more rapid than before transplant.

Clean environments

The first step towards successful rehabilitation starts at home. The family member should make sure the dwelling has appropriate ventilation when the patient returns home following a liver transplant. In the first three months after surgery, the patient must wear a mask when entering crowded areas. Practice cleaning your hands after speaking to strangers. The patient should have access to a unique towel. 









Nutrition and diet

The patient will have a ravenous appetite after the procedure, which is really a positive sign. The patient must consume a diet high in protein. Water used for drinking needs to be secure, and tap water shouldn’t be consumed without at-home filtration. Salads and raw foods must be ignored. Additionally, one must avoid foods like sweets that could raise blood sugar levels. Often, post-transplant medications will cause blood sugar levels to rise, necessitating the usage of insulin for the first three months. You shouldn’t drink alcohol. Certain fruits which can drive the serum potassium levels up like banana, guava, coconut etc should be taken with caution in the first few months after transplant, since the CNI drugs being used as immunosuppression can increase the serum potassium levels.

Stay away from somebody who has an infectious disease

People who have had liver transplants must refrain from socializing with a lot of visitors since those who are ill can pose a threat and contaminate the patient. Therefore, do not let anybody with the flu, chicken pox, or measles into the room where the individual with the liver transplantation is resting. 

Keep pets out of the house.

A liver transplant recipient must prevent interaction with animals. Some pets’ vomit, feces, bird droppings, and urine are contagious and can give individuals with weakened immune systems serious fungal diseases. As a result, it is best to avoid contact with animals to lower the chance of infection. 

Adhere to directions

People who have had liver transplants must adhere to the recommendations made by the physician at the time of hospital release. You must refrain from performing strenuous exercises and lifting large objects. It is advised to get up and move around the house and locality, and performing regular tasks might hasten recuperation. Wait until your doctor instructs you to drive a car.