3 Most common liver conditions in children

Liver which is one of the most important human body part, does more than 500 functions in the body. It generates the waste-carrying bile, breaks down fats in the small intestine, filters the blood to remove toxins, and transforms extra glucose into glycogen for storage. It also improves
the immune system by fending off infections. There are several liver conditions that affect children, and here, the three most common liver conditions in children are discussed:

What is the liver’s function?
As the second largest organ in the body, the liver, which is located in the abdominal cavity, does multiple functions:
● Generates bile, a chemical that helps in food digestion
● Stores excess nutrients
● Helps clear the bloodstream of impurities
● Regulate the levels of cholesterol and blood sugar
● Makes proteins that allow blood to clot normally, transport oxygen, and support the immune system.

What is a liver disease?
Anything that affects or reduces the liver’s ability to function is referred to as liver disease. It can occur as a result of an illness, bad habits or behaviors, or exposure to specific chemicals. It can also be acquired through family traits. If the liver is damaged beyond curing through treatment,
then getting the Best Liver Transplant would be the wise option. Different pediatric liver conditions
Here are three important pediatric liver conditions:
1. Portal hypertension: The spleen and intestine supply blood to the liver through the portal vein. Portal hypertension is the medical term for conditions that involve high blood pressure in these blood arteries or liver-related blood flow resistance. New blood vessels, known as collaterals, grow as a result of this pressure. The collaterals join the intestine’s blood flow to the main circulation, bypassing the liver in the process. So, impurities that were meant to be filtered by the liver find their way into the bloodstream.

2. Autoimmune hepatitis: A child’s own body causes autoimmune hepatitis. An autoimmune disorder is an attack on the body by the immune system, which fights disease. Here, there is an attack on the liver cells. Over time, this affects the liver by causing inflammation. 

● Type 1: While it can start at any age, adolescence is the most common time for it to start (9 to 18 years old). Women and those with other autoimmune diseases like lupus, Crohn’s disease, or celiac disease are more likely to experience it.

● Type 2: In. It is more common in younger kids, particularly those with autoimmune disorders already.

3. Jaundice: Jaundice is caused by a rise in bilirubin in the body because of bile duct obstruction, liver cell abnormalities, or inflammation. It can occur as a result of the excessive destruction of a high concentration of red blood cells, which is common in neonates. The first and sometimes the only symptom of liver disease is jaundice.

Final thoughts Go to a reputable hospital as soon as possible if your child shows any of the symptoms or indicators of liver disease. Professionals there will correctly diagnose your child’s illness and start the best course of care. If there is a need for a liver transplant, then look for the Best Liver Transplant for a speedy recovery and rehabilitation.

Anup Gupta's Remarkable Act of Organ Donation

Anup Gupta’s Remarkable Act of Organ Donation

Anup Gupta, a resident of Gurgaon, defies personal tragedy to donate his mother’s liver following the recent loss of both his parents. This act highlights the crucial need for increased awareness and participation in organ donation in India.

Tragedy Strikes Twice: 

After losing his father, Ramesh Chand Gupta, on May 28, who had expressed a desire to donate organs, Anup Gupta faced another blow when his mother, Sarojini Gupta, was declared brain dead on June 21. This unexpected turn of events provides an opportunity to fulfill his parents’ wishes.


The Decision to Donate: 

Motivated by his father’s unfulfilled aspiration and informed about the organ donation process, Anup Gupta bravely decides to donate his mother’s liver, despite the profound trauma he has experienced.

A Mother’s Last Gift:

Anup Gupta's Remarkable Act of Organ Donation

Sarojini Gupta, aged 77, tragically suffers a severe brain hemorrhage and requires ventilator support. Despite the medical team’s dedicated efforts, her condition deteriorates, and she is ultimately declared brain dead. The liver is retrieved by the hospital team and transported to another facility for transplantation.

Successful Transplantation: 

On June 21, a skilled team of doctors at Apollo Hospitals successfully performed liver transplantation. Dr Neerav Goyal, the senior consultant for a liver transplant, reports that the recipient, battling liver disease, is now in stable condition and expected to be discharged within two weeks.
Liver Transplant International Dr Neerav Goyal

Implications and the Need for Organ Donation: 

This story underscores the significant gap between the number of patients awaiting transplants and the availability of organs in India. The National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organisation emphasizes the urgent need for heightened awareness and increased participation in organ donation to bridge this gap and save lives.


Anup Gupta’s selflessness amidst personal tragedy serves as an inspiration to others. By fulfilling his parents’ wishes through organ donation, he honors their aspirations and brings hope to those in need. This story underscores the transformative power of organ donation and emphasizes the critical importance of raising awareness and promoting participation in India.